Pupil Premium Funding
Our Pupil Premium Statements can be found at the bottom of this page.
1. What is Pupil Premium?
Pupil funding is additional funding that the Government gives to schools. This funding is targeted at students facing the greatest disadvantage.
The Government believes that Pupil Premium is the most effective way to address the current underlying inequalities between children eligible for Free School Meals (FSM) and their wealthier peers.
The use of the Pupil Premium Grant is the responsibility of each individual school. However it is assumed that the funding should be used to remove barriers to learning and ensure that each student participates fully in all aspects of school life and reaches his/her full potential.
2. How is Pupil Premium Calculated?
The School Census taken in January of each year looked at three categories of students:
Students who were ‘Ever 6 Free School Meals’ (any child who at any time during the last 6 years was claiming free school meals)
Looked After Children and Previously Looked After Children
Students whose parents are serving in the Armed Forces
The level of Pupil Premium set for 2024 - 2025 by the government is £1480 per pupil.
In addition, schools will also receive £2530 for each looked-after pupil who has been looked after for 1 day or more, was adopted from care on or after 30 December 2005, or left care under a special guardianship order or a residence order. A Service Premium (£300) is available for children whose parents are currently or have served (in the last 3 years) in the Armed Forces.
If you believe you are eligible for Free School Meals and are not currently claiming for this benefit your child will not attract this additional funding. If you require assistance in claiming this benefit please contact the Local Authority.
3. What is the allocation for 2024-2025?
The amount for 2024-2025 is £99160
4. What are the plans for spending the 2024-2025 allocation?
See Pupil Premium Strategy statement
5. Pupil Premium Strategy: How do you ensure all staff believe what the school is achieving with the pupil premium monies?
- We will provide a culture where staff believe in ALL children, there are no excuses made for underperformance and staff adopt a ‘can do’ culture to overcoming barriers.
- When analysing data we will ensure that all staff are involved so that they are fully aware of the strengths and weaknesses across the school. Pupil progress meetings are held twice termly. These then lead to action planning for intervention groups. This has driven the deployment of teaching assistants and informed the most appropriate strategy.
- We will ensure that all teaching staff are aware of who pupil premium and vulnerable children are, and that all pupil premium children benefit from the funding, not just those who are underperforming.
- Underachievement at all levels is targeted through teachers differentiating appropriately in class as well as the intervention groups.
- Children’s individual needs are considered carefully.
- We will continue to ensure that all children receive good teaching, with increasing percentages of outstanding teaching achieved.
- High expectations are set. High quality marking and feedback is used consistently in school. Share good practice in school and provide high quality CPD for all staff. Improve assessment through joint levelling and moderation.
- We will ensure that the additional support that we provide is effective by looking at the individual child and identifying their barriers to learning, ensure that staff communicate between each other.
- We will match the skills of support staff to the interventions that they provide
- We will work to continue to close attendance gaps between pupil premium pupils and their peers
- We will continue to ensure equality of access for extra curricular activities and educational visits
6. How can parents support this?
We believe parents are integral to the academic achievement of pupils so we are looking at a way to support parents in assisting their child in the learning process. We will hold parent meetings and keep parents updated about the best way to support their children.